Timpanogos Academy

May 6-10 is Teacher Appreciation Week!  

Here are a few ideas you and your student can use to show some personal appreciation and gratitude for your teachers.  Core teachers, Specialty Teachers, Special Ed Teachers, Administrative Support and Aides.  “It takes a village!” They all work so hard everyday to help our children learn, grow and develop.  Let’s send them off this year with so much love and gratitude!  

Let the Love of Learning Light the Way

We are excited for the 2023-2024 school year! Welcome back to those returning to the school and to those of you just beginning your first year at Timpanogos Academy, we’re so glad to have you! We are confident you and your kids will love it as much as we do! There is a special spirit at Timpanogos Academy, it’s a love for learning, a love for kindness and a love for every student and their future.  That has been my experience in the two years my family has been here.  

As the saying goes, ‘it takes a village,’ so we look forward to meeting you and volunteering alongside you!  Our goal with all the events and activities this year is to focus on the light within each child.  We will do everything we can to encourage that light to grow as they speak with kindness and respect to their peers as well as the teachers and staff at the school.  We’ll cheer them on as they grow and develop their character and become lit from within!

Please follow the link below to sign up!

Tania Bliss

PTO President, 801-361-9547

Let the Love of Learning Light the Way

Get your SPIRIT SHIRT here!

“Oooh this is so soft!” is what your kids will say (big smile) when they put this on.  So soft and comfortable to wear.   It combines the soft feel of cotton with moisture-wicking technology for an unbeatable soft performance blend tee.

Timpanogos Academy PTO

Our Mission Statement

The Timpanogos Academy PTO mission is to support the teachers, staff, and students at Timpanogos Academy and promote closer connections between school and home by encouraging parent involvement. We are a 501(c)3 organization that works to provide financial support and educational opportunities, and we especially advocate for programs and experiences that inspire a lifelong love of learning.

What is a PTO?

PTO stands for Parent Teacher Organization. We are a group that works together to support and enrich the students at Timpanogos Academy. The PTO helps promote excellence in learning, a sense of community in our school, and assists in efforts to solve school needs through volunteers and funding.

Last year our PTO organization was able to gift a new sound system for the west gym and a nine square on the playground!  That’s in addition to all the activities we put on throughout the year.  And we need you

(note: PTA’s are associated with Public School’s, PTO’s are for Charter Schools)

How Can I Become a Member of the PTO?

Great news! If you are a parent or guardian of a student at Timpanogos Academy, you are automatically a PTO member. We would love to work with you. Contact us at any time!

Tania Bliss 801-361-9547

Introducing The PTO Board  2023-2024

PTO President

Tania Bliss — I’m a full time mom to Kate and Hudson, part-time marketing consultant, and thrilled to be here at Timpanogos Academy! My husband is a mountaineering adventurer and together we climbed and reached the summit of Acancagua in South America. (It’s one of the world’s Seven Summits!) …so that’s cool right?  ha ha

I’m a BYU graduate and my professional background started in broadcast news in Alberta, Canada.  After a few years I found myself using my skills to market and launch products in the skincare industry. Over the last 20 years I developed a great passion for understanding the aging process and helping people with products to slow it. I hope to launch my own skincare line at some point.  For now I’m busy with two kids at Timpanogos Academy.  I signed up to volunteer simply because my kids like to see me at school events!  

pto.timpanogos.academy@gmail.com  or text: 801-361-9547

PTO Secretary

Open Position

Emily Milner—Op


PTO Treasurer

Sheri Nelson — I was born in Montana, raised a Texan, and have spent the last 32 years living in Utah. It is here where I earned a bachelors degree from BYU, worked 10 years in Early Intervention, met and married my husband and are currently raising our 4 children ages 10-19. I enjoy the outdoors—hiking, biking, camping, exploring, boating as well as cooking and baking. My favorite right now is all things sourdough and now cannot go back to store bought bread.


PTO Member at Large:

Becky DudleyI have a degree in Wildlife and Wildland biology from BYU and I am married to a fantastic man who has been helping raise our 3 handsome boys and 1 amazing daughter. I have a passion for education and believe we should always be striving to expand our knowledge and talents. I foster and train parrots and other critters and I’ll be getting my black belt in taekwondo this coming school year.

PTO Member at Large:

Sundee Wilson — I grew up in New Hampshire and landed myself in Utah after high school. My husband and I have 4 very spunky girls, who take up most of our time. I am a Registered Nurse working at a Med Spa and with a healthcare company in their service excellence department. We enjoy playing outdoors, movies and card games. Grandpa Beck's games are our favorite. We love Timp Academy! 

PTO Social Engagement:

Ashley Rogers —

Contact Us

You can reach the school at 801-785-4979

You can email the Timpanogos Academy PTO at pto.timpanogos.academy@gmail.com

text PTO President at 801-361-9547

Please reach out with any questions, concerns or comments you have!

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